Dr. Rodion Ebbighausen: "Waving flags and claiming waves: How nationalism hampers a solution to territorial disputes in the South China Sea" - Dr. Rodion Ebbighausen - Universität Hamburg
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- F.5 - Geisteswissenschaften
- Asien-Afrika-Institut
- Hybrid Conference "Indo-Pacific Strategies and the South China Sea – Views from the Region"
231 Aufrufe
Dr. Rodion Ebbighausen: "Waving flags and claiming waves: How nationalism hampers a solution to territorial disputes in the South China Sea"
There are several approaches currently on the table to solve the disputes in the South China Sea. Just recently, scholar Bill Hayton published a reasonable and workable solution in the ISEAS Perspective: How to Solve the South China Sea Disputes. Hayton says there is enough knowledge about the history of the South China Sea to let 'Track Two Tribunals' sort out different claims which have to be disaggregated. In other words, the claimant states should not claim the entirety of entities like the Spratly Islands, but rather each rock, reef, and sandbank on an individual basis. Even though Hayton's approach makes sense, he admits that it would be difficult to convince the public in claimant states, and especially diehard nationalists, of this approach.
Obviously, there are different layers of challenges that need to be addressed if the disputes in the South China Sea are to ever be resolved. There are pending technical and legal questions, for example, related to the UN's law of the sea (UNCLOS), delimitation, and historic facts, which can be addressed with reason and argument. But there are more emotional and ideological questions related to nationalism which are, to a certain degree, resilient to reason and argument.
The presentation "Waving Flags and Claiming Waves" is intended to provide an overview of how nationalism factors in the strategy of various claimant states. What form does nationalism take in the respective countries? To what extent or how closely is it linked to the South China Sea conflict? What dynamic does it add to the disputes? Using this research overview, some considerations will then be made as to how nationalism is a major obstacle to resolving the conflict and what possibilities, if any, there might be to reduce its influence in the South China Sea.
Rodion Ebbighausen is managing editor of Asia programs at DW, Germany's international broadcaster. He also hosts the independent podcast "Myanmar in a PodShell" and has authored several academic papers on Southeast Asia. Most recently, he published a German translation of Vũ Trọng Phụng's famous novel "Số đỏ".
This hybrid conference was held on November 18, 2022 in order to introduce the general political conditions and to provide various views from different regions in the South China Sea area.
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