Dr. Takashi Hosoda: "How to protect our 'rule of law' from 'rule of gun' and 'rule of bills' challenges?" - Dr. Takashi Hosoda - Universität Hamburg
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- Asien-Afrika-Institut
- Hybrid Conference "Indo-Pacific Strategies and the South China Sea – Views from the Region"
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Dr. Takashi Hosoda: "How to protect our 'rule of law' from 'rule of gun' and 'rule of bills' challenges?"
The term "Indo-Pacific" has become a trend, even though the definition and expectations of the term, as well as the political will and available assets to allocate for it, vary widely among participants. European countries and the EU's Indo-Pacific Guidelines, point to a shifting geopolitical and geoeconomic center of gravity to the East and cite environmental issues, sustainable development goals, maintaining free trade systems, and maritime security as concerns. However, the primary concern of the Indo-Pacific countries is how to deal with a rising (or already raised) China although not pointed out directly. China has become so powerful and assertive, both economic and military term, some ASEAN countries that have adopted a policy of non-alignment and neutrality are beginning to choose to ensure their own security by bandwagoning with China. In addition, many countries are not taking a firm stance against China in the hope of gains from trade and direct investment. In addition, Russian invasion of Ukraine has had a variety of effects on the international community, and there is a growing concern within Asian countries that Russia's actions may serve as a model for China's unilateral behavior on the Taiwan issue. Furthermore, Beijing continues and deepens its strategic partnership of coordination with Russia and indicates the possibility of a sharpening challenge to U.S. hegemony. This challenge and confrontation will be first visible in the South China Sea (in the East China Sea, deterrence of the U.S.-Japan alliance is in effect. Taiwan also has the Taiwan Relations Act, although it is a domestic law of the U.S.). The phase of conceptualization of Indo-Pacific cooperation by each country is over. We are now in the phase of how to make the ASEAN approach of "inviting other external countries to neutralize the coercive projection of an external power" work. Protecting the "rule of law" principle from "rule of gun" or "rule of bills" approaches, Japan, the first advocator of Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP), need to keep involvement and contribution of European countries that share our values in the Indo-Pacific, amid the Russian military threat is a real challenge for Europe.
Takashi Hosoda, Ph.D., is a Japanese international political scientist and security studies scholar living in the Czech Republic. He is a lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University. His research focuses on China's "Multi-domain Military-Civil fusion" warfare, Japan-European maritime security/space security cooperation, security observation of the Indo-Pacific theater including the East China Sea/South China Sea, as well as on possible Taiwan contingency.
His recent publications include:
– “National Identity, National Pride, and ‘Armed force’ in Japan–How to verify the existence of pacifist culture in Japan-,” Identity, culture, and memory in Japanese Foreign Policy, PETER LANG, New York, February 2021.
– "Considering New Geopolitical Analysis on Japan-China Equivocal Relations", Geopolitics in the Twenty-First Century, Nova Science Publisher, January 2021.
This hybrid conference was held on November 18, 2022 in order to introduce the general political conditions and to provide various views from different regions in the South China Sea area.
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