Episode 4: Preserving the Written Artefacts of the Āśā Saphūkuthi (Āśā Archives) in Kathmandu - Dr. Bidur Bhattarai - Universität Hamburg
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- F.5 - Geisteswissenschaften
- Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC)
- Written Artefacts of Nepal – Preservation and Documentation
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Episode 4: Preserving the Written Artefacts of the Āśā Saphūkuthi (Āśā Archives) in Kathmandu
Nepal is home to exceptionally diverse manuscript collections, both in terms of scripts and languages as well as materials used. In this new video series, Bidur Bhattarai explains how these collections are preserved. The fourth episode presents the techniques used for cleaning and wrapping the manuscripts, how to prepare an acid-free customised E-Flute phase box (‘archival box’), and the long-term strategies for manuscript archiving.
This series of short films offers brief and accessible introduction to Nepalese written artefacts, exploring their diversity and uniqueness in terms of writing, supports, materials, forms, and texts. It is initiated and produced by Dr Bidur Bhattarai, Coordinator of the project ‘Preserving the Written Artefacts of Nepal’ based at the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures at Universität Hamburg. The project is generously supported by the German Foreign Office and the Gerda Henkel Foundation.
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