Poets, Performances, Politics. Some Reflections on Modern Indonesian Literature - Dr Will Derks - Universität Hamburg
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- F.5 - Geisteswissenschaften
- Asien-Afrika-Institut
- Youth and Ageing in Southeast Asia
Poets, Performances, Politics. Some Reflections on Modern Indonesian Literature
Modern Indonesian literature has always been approached against the background of a Western set of ideas about literature. I will try to suggest that Indonesian literature, or the Indonesian literary system, is fundamentally different from a western literature. My argument will revolve around the interface between print-literacy on the one hand and orality on the other. Based on that I will also try to suggest some of the consequences this may have for the way we should approach and study it.
---The population of Southeast Asia has experienced a sevenfold increase in less than 120 years to a total of more than 650 million people, which compares to Europe with around 740 million. Southeast Asia’s population is developing at a high speed, and although the growth of the elder is rapidly increasing, Southeast Asian nations have relatively young populations, which make them highly attractive for companies because the region’s GDP is growing expansively.
Using the young population structures and aging of Southeast Asian populations as a lens, international scholars will discuss important current issues, such as connections between youth and violent conflicts, the categorisation of age groups in Southeast Asia and how youths express themselves in cultural productions.