28.08. - Präsentation Workshop Robin Arthur / André Eiermann - Robin Arthur, Dr. André Eiermann - Universität Hamburg
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28.08. - Präsentation Workshop Robin Arthur / André Eiermann
Robin Arthur / Forced Entertainment
is a performance ensemble based in Sheffield, UK. who have worked together since 1984 to produce theatre works as well as related projects in installation, digital media and film. The work grows from project to project, using text, technology, soundtracks and other elements in varying degrees. Predominantly a touring company, Forced Entertainment comprises of a core group of six artists and the company has established a growing network of artistic collaborators.
André Eiermann
teaches at the Institute for Theatre and Performance Studies of the Justus-Liebig-University in Gießen. In the past he has taught at the University of Hamburg, Performance Studies, as well as in Siegen, Munich and Bern. Since 2008 he has been curator of the programme tent at the i-camp in Munich. Latest publication: Postspektakuläres Theater – Die Alterität der Aufführung und die Entgrenzung der Künste (2009).