Scalable and Fast Cloud Data Management - Prof. Dr. Norbert Ritter, Dr. Felix Gessert, Dr. Wolfram Wingerath - Universität Hamburg
- Lecture2Go
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- F.6 - Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften
- Informatik
- Informatisches Kolloquium
2356 Aufrufe
Scalable and Fast Cloud Data Management
Database research at the University of Hamburg is centered around scalable technologies for cloud data management and connects the dots between traditional database systems, web caching, and continuous data analytics. In this presentation, we provide a rundown of our research topics throughout the years and explain how we turned them into practice at the Software-as-a-Service company Baqend.
We first present an overview over the system space that we are concerned with and the high-level goals we pursue in our work. We then go into detail on how the Orestes architecture combines web caching with traditional data management techniques to accelerate primary key access in globally distributed setups. Next, we cover the InvaliDB architecture that employs continuous stream processing to extend the Orestes approach to complex database queries. Finally, we explain how the cloud service Speed Kit ( turns our research into practice by accelerating more than 100 million users per month. We close with ongoing and future work, including the Beaconnect project that revolves around continuous analytics over real-user tracking data with Apache Flink.
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