Revenge of the Repository Rodeo - David Wilcox, Melissa Anez, Pascal Becker, Mark Bussey, Will Fyson, Lars Holm Nielsen, Robin Ruggaber - Universität Hamburg
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- Open Repositories 2019
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Revenge of the Repository Rodeo
David Wilcox, Melissa Anez, Pascal Becker, Mark Bussey, Will Fyson, Lars Holm Nielsen, Robin Ruggaber
It's Repository Rodeo time!
The Repository Rodeo returns for another round of questions and answers! This popular panel, featured since Open Repositories 2016 in Dublin, offers a broad overview of the main repository platforms at Open Repositories and provides an opportunity for spirited discussion amongst panelists and attendees. Join representatives from the DSpace, Eprints, Fedora, Islandora, Invenio, and Samvera communities as we (briefly) explain what each of our repositories actually does. We'll also talk about the directions of our respective technical and community developments, and related to the conference theme of All the Users Needs, discuss how our various systems can support the needs of users in our communities.
--- Diese Veranstaltungsreihe beinhaltet die Fachvorträge and Keynotes der Open Repositories 2019.
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