Opportunistic Networks - Challenges and Opportunities - Prof. Dr. Anna Förster - Universität Hamburg
- Lecture2Go
- Videokatalog
- F.6 - Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften
- Informatik
- Informatisches Kolloquium
1893 Aufrufe
Opportunistic Networks - Challenges and Opportunities
Opportunistic networks are comprised of end-user devices, connected directly to each other through localized wireless communication technologies. They enable the direct communication between those devices without the need of an infrastructure. This is their main challenge and their main advantage at the same time. One one hand, they enable communication where infrastructure is not available or has been damaged. On the other hand, they result in high possible delays and cannot guarantee delivery. In this talk we discuss the main properties and challenges of opportunistic networks, where they come from and current research trends.
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