Stabilising an unequal economy - Prof. Marc Lavoie, Dr. Torsten Niechoj - Universität Hamburg
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- F.2 - Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
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- Stabilising an unequal economy
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Stabilising an unequal economy
Minsky's question of how to stabilise an unstable economy is obviously of renewed importance today. But are the present policies merely stabilising an unsustainable accumulation regime based on income polarisation and the dominance of financial markets? What are the economic and political implications of rising public debt? How can financial regulation contribute to stability as well as equity?
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00:00:00Niechoj Welcome 1/9
00:02:352/9 Results of a 2007 survey on „How heterodox is the mainstream“
00:04:453/9 Change by crisis?
00:09:514/9 Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM)
00:12:445/9 FMM -- continued
00:14:386/9 The Summer Schools: Hard working people
00:16:197/9 ... and sometimes fun
00:17:068/9 Safe the day: Summer School 2011
00:18:329/9 This workshop
00:20:071/37 Lavoie What is Post-Keynesian Economics? An Introduction to the Method and History of PKE
00:21:492/37 Lavoie Outline
00:23:023/37 Lavoie PART I History of post-Keynesian economics
00:23:234/37 Lavoie: Phases in the creation of PKE
00:24:445/37 Lavoie: Around the General Theory