Sustainable Recipe (SoSe 2024) - Liang Chi Lu, Yingying Lu, Anton Marochow, Gyeoneun Nam - Universität Hamburg
- Lecture2Go
- Videokatalog
- F.2 - Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
- Sozialökonomie
- Sustainability Documentaries
188 Aufrufe
Sustainable Recipe (SoSe 2024)
The rapid and alarming changes in our climate, often referred to as the "global boiling era," highlight the urgent need to rethink how we consume food. This urgency inspired us to explore sustainable food practices, aiming to find ways to reduce environmental harm while ensuring that everyone has access to nutritious and affordable food. This topic is not only timely but also vital for addressing the broader issues of environmental sustainability and food security.
This series contains the documentaries that students developed in the course of the seminar "Sustainability Documentaries" offered by the Professorship for Sustainable Business.
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Food Security and Tafel (SoSe 2024)