Figures in discourse. Monitoring the public debate on multilingualism in Luxembourg: DiLCo Lecture Series 2024 (25 April) - Christoph Purschke - Universität Hamburg
- Lecture2Go
- Videokatalog
- F.5 - Geisteswissenschaften
- Sprache, Literatur, Medien (SLM I + II)
- Digital language variation in context (DiLCo)
842 Aufrufe
Figures in discourse. Monitoring the public debate on multilingualism in Luxembourg: DiLCo Lecture Series 2024 (25 April)
Christoph Purschke is an associate professor of computational linguistics and the head of the Culture & Computation Lab in the Department of Humanities at the University of Luxembourg. His research interests lie at the intersection of sociolinguistic methods, natural language processing, and philosophy. He runs the participatory research platform „Lingscape“ and is fascinated by the complex relationship between language, digitality, and the lifeworld.
In this talk, I will examine the Luxembourgish public debate on multilingualism and the societal role of Luxembourgish. The focus is on so-called discourse figures, i.e., central images, formulations, and actors of the discourse, and their structure-forming effect in the debate. To this end, I introduce a multi-method approach that combines qualitative, quantitative, and computational approaches. In doing so, the study draws a more comprehensive picture than possible with just one research method. The talk aims to identify central discourse figures in the various datasets and combine them into an overall picture against the background of societal dynamics.
DiLCo Lecture Series 2024 aims to showcase cutting edge international research on digitally language and communication by both senior and younger researchers from across the world. We wish to present research that explores digital language and communication by drawing on key concepts and topics in socio-cultural linguistics, such as community, context, identity, mediated interaction, multimodality, and linguistic change. We particularly welcome presentations of innovative methods that cut across traditional disciplinary boundaries.
DiLCo (‘Digital language variation in context’) is a 3-year international research network initiated in 2021 at the University of Hamburg. The network brings together researchers from Europe and USA with expertise in computational, interactional, and ethnographic approaches to digital language and linguistics. It aims to provide a platform for the development of interdisciplinary ideas in digital language and communication research, and for early-career capacity building.
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