Prof. Dr. NGUYỄN Nam: "Individual Self, Common Kingdom, and Cultural Identity in Buddhist Writtings from the Lý to the Trần Dynasty" - Prof. Dr. Nam Nguyen - Universität Hamburg
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Prof. Dr. NGUYỄN Nam: "Individual Self, Common Kingdom, and Cultural Identity in Buddhist Writtings from the Lý to the Trần Dynasty"
Although practicing Buddhism whose Three Dharma Seals emphasize on Impermanence, Unsatisfactoriness, and No-Self, the Royal leaderships and literati from the dynasties of the Lý (1009-1225) and Trần (1225-1400) must work with their people to stabilize their kingdom and to reconfirm its independence diplomatically and culturally. The talk will examine the two dynasties’ writings founded on Buddhist philosophy to figure out how kings and their subjects expressed themselves and connected their politico-religious ideology with their state-building missions.
Prof. Dr. NGUYỄN Nam,
Director, Vietnam Studies Center,
Fulbright University Vietnam,
Ho Chi Minh City
Doctoral degree in East Asian Languages and Civilizations (Chinese Literature), earned from Harvard University (2005)
Digital humanities, conceptual history of early modern Vietnam in East Asian contexts and in connection with the so-called Sinosphere
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