The big ask: Requesting consumer feedback: DiLCo Lecture Series 2023 (23 November) - Camilla Vasquez - Universität Hamburg
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- F.5 - Geisteswissenschaften
- Sprache, Literatur, Medien (SLM I + II)
- Digital language variation in context (DiLCo)
1006 Aufrufe
The big ask: Requesting consumer feedback: DiLCo Lecture Series 2023 (23 November)
Camilla Vásquez is Professor of Applied Linguistics in the Department of World Languages at the University of South Florida, where she directs the Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (LALS) doctoral program. She is the author of The Discourse of Online Consumer Reviews (Bloomsbury, 2014) and Language, Creativity and Humour Online (Routledge, 2019). Her most recent book is the edited volume, Research Methods for Digital Discourse Analysis (Bloomsbury, 2022). Camilla’s research on digital business communication, online identities, and linguistic creativity has been published in venues such as Current Issues in Tourism, Discourse Context & Media, Food & Foodways, Intercultural Pragmatics, Internet Pragmatics, Journal of Pragmatics, Journal of Sociolinguistics and Narrative Inquiry. She currently serves as Associate Editor of Discourse Context & Media and is a co-editor (with Carmen Lee) of the Routledge book series Language and Digital Media.
Taking the forms of email, web pop-ups, text messages, public signs, and other types of artifacts, many businesses today are asking consumers to engage in various “prosuming” (Ritzer & Jurgenson, 2010) activities, which include rating and/or reviewing their consumer experiences or completing customer satisfaction surveys. A social practice that seems to be ubiquitous today, businesses derive potential value from these forms of free labor and consequently, this solicitation of consumer feedback represents a multi-million dollar industry (Bone et al, 2017). Aware of the imposition of these requests, businesses must come up with compelling ways of framing their “big ask,” as they attempt to convince consumers to comply with their wishes. In the first half of this two-part presentation, I address some prototypical (as well as atypical) linguistic, rhetorical and modal persuasive strategies that appear in both online and offline texts, which businesses employ as they try to persuade consumers to provide them with feedback. In the second half of the presentation, I highlight some of the priming tactics used by businesses to produce favorable responses to these feedback solicitations and I show how these may be motivated by additional goals that are not always made transparent to the consumer.
DiLCo Lecture Series 2023 aims to showcase cutting edge international research on digitally language and communication by both senior and younger researchers from across the world. We wish to present research that explores digital language and communication by drawing on key concepts and topics in socio-cultural linguistics, such as community, context, identity, mediated interaction, multimodality, and linguistic change. We particularly welcome presentations of innovative methods that cut across traditional disciplinary boundaries.
DiLCo (‘Digital language variation in context’) is a 3-year international research network initiated in 2021 at the University of Hamburg. The network brings together researchers from Europe and USA with expertise in computational, interactional, and ethnographic approaches to digital language and linguistics. It aims to provide a platform for the development of interdisciplinary ideas in digital language and communication research, and for early-career capacity building.
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