Prof. em. Keith W. Taylor: "Archaeological Lacunae in Vietnamese History" - Prof. em. Keith W. Taylor - Universität Hamburg
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Prof. em. Keith W. Taylor: "Archaeological Lacunae in Vietnamese History"
Short Summary:
Han Tombs (Mồ Hán) and the Walls of Đồng Hới (Hệ ThốngTường Đồng Hới) are two topics that have been mostly avoided, as if taboo, in the study of Vietnamese history; they do not sustain the emphasis on the antiquity and the unity of a Vietnamese identity that are promoted by official historiography.
This talk will look at the archaeological reports of Han Tombs along with a consideration of textual and linguistic evidence to reconsider the idea of "One Thousand Years of Chinese Domination." And it will consider the Walls of Đồng Hới along with a consideration of the man who designed them, Đào Duy Tự, to reconsider the emergence of a southern Vietnamese identity.
Prof. em. Keith W. Taylor
– Ph.D. (History), The University of Michigan, 1976.
– B.A. (History), George Washington University, 1968.
Academic Appointments:
– Department of Asian Studies, Cornell University, 1989-2022.
– Department of History, Hope College, 1987-89.
– Department of History, National University of Singapore, 1981-87.
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