601: Interactive Games (1) - Prof. Dr. Andreas Nicklisch - Universität Hamburg
- Lecture2Go
- Videokatalog
- F.2 - Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
- Fachbereichsübergreifend
- Introduction to z-Tree - Experimental Economics in Practice
854 Aufrufe
601: Interactive Games (1)
This video is part of an online video course on programming in z-Tree that was hosted by WiSo Research Lab in cooperation with WiSo Graduate School, University of Hamburg. Find all materials, slides and video files here: https://doi.org/10.25592/uhhfdm.1026
- 1. Introduction to ztree (Package 1, Videos 1_1 to 1_7)
- 1. Program architecture
- 2. Preconditions for programming
- 2. Principles of Behavorial Economics (Package 2, Video 2)
- 1. The two basis Problems
- 2. De gustibus non est disputandum
- 3. Single-Person Game without interaction: Lotteries (Package 2, Videos 3_1 to 3_3)
- 1. Idea
- 2. How to get them into the Computer
- 4. Treatment Structure (Package 3, Videos 4_1 to 4_3)
- 5. Fairness Preferences (Package 5, Video 5_1 to 5_2)
- 6. Interactive Games (Package 6, Videos 6_1 to 6_2)
- 7. Sequential Games (Package 7, Videos 7_1 to 7_2)
- 8. (named 7 in slides): Reciprocity (Package 8, Videos 7_1 & 7_2)
- 1. Negative reciprocity: The moonlighting game
- 2. Mutual gift exchange
- 9. (named 8 in slides): Social Dilemma (Package 8, Video 8)
- 1. Public Goods
- 2. Natural Resources
- 10. (named 9 in slides): More zTree: Layout and Advanced Commands (Package 9, Videos 9_1 to 9_3)
<p><p>The Course introduces to the basics of programming in z-Tree and principals of behavorial economics.</p></p>
<p><p>It is taught by Prof. Dr. Andreas Nicklisch (FHGR Graubünden) and was originally recorded for the Graduate School of the WiSo Faculty of Hamburg University in the summer term 2020.</p></p>
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