Food Security and Tafel (SoSe 2024) - Dilafruz Zununi, Leyla Ismayilova, Svetlana Fedoseikina, Tural Abbasov - University of Hamburg
- Lecture2Go
- Catalog
- F.2 - Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
- Sonstiges (WiSo)
- Sustainability Documentaries
Food Security and Tafel (SoSe 2024)
This documentary about the Tafel dives into the critical issue of food security and the solutions offered by the Tafel network. The film explores the role of the Tafel System in an example of Luneburg Tafel in addressing two social issues simultaneously - combating food insecurity and reducing food waste. Through compelling narratives and informative interviews with volunteers, the film reveals the stark contrast between food waste and hunger, showcasing the tremendous impact of food banks.
This series contains the documentaries that students developed in the course of the seminar "Sustainability Documentaries" offered by the Professorship for Sustainable Business.
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Food Security and Tafel (SoSe 2024)