Designing Interactive Reading Environments for the Online Scholarly Edition (5) - Blandford Ann, Brown Susan, Dobson Teresa, Faisal Sarah, Fiorentino Carlos, Frizzera Luciano, Giacometti Alejandro, Heller Brooke, Ilovan Mihaela, Michura Piotr, Nelson Brent, Radzikowska Milena - University of Hamburg
- Lecture2Go
- Catalog
- F.5 - Geisteswissenschaften
- Sonstiges
- digital humanities 2012 - Lecture Hall B
Designing Interactive Reading Environments for the Online Scholarly Edition (5)
Blandford Ann, Brown Susan, Dobson Teresa, Faisal Sarah, Fiorentino Carlos, Frizzera Luciano, Giacometti Alejandro, Heller Brooke, Ilovan Mihaela, Michura Piotr, Nelson Brent, Radzikowska Milena
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