Comparative Analysis of US, UK, Israeli, and Arab Media coverage of three wars in the Middle East - Mohammed Wesam Amer - University of Hamburg
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- F.5 - Geisteswissenschaften
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- Humanities Perspective 2011
Comparative Analysis of US, UK, Israeli, and Arab Media coverage of three wars in the Middle East
(Palestine) “Comparative Analysis of US, UK, Israeli, and Arab Media coverage of three wars in the Middle East”
ABSTRACT: This research study provides a systematic discourse analysis of US, British, Israeli and Arab influential newspapers’ coverage of three wars in the Middle East and the ways in which the participants and the events are represented in the newspapers. Data will include a sampling of the newspapers’ news reports on American invasion of Iraq in 2003, the Israeli War on Lebanon in 2006 and the Israeli War on Gaza 2008-09. Critical Discourse analysis and News Frame Analysis examine the linguistic, political and ideological contexts of the newspapers’ discourse on the coverage of three wars in the Middle East.
BIO: Mohammed Wesam Amer MA (born 1980 in Gaza) studied applied linguistics at Anglia Ruskin University-Cambridge, UK. His MA thesis examines linguistic features, ‘Transitivity selections’, used in the British Press (The Guardian and The Times) to cover the Israeli siege of the Gaza Strip, following Halliday’s Systematic Functional Grammar as a tool in CDA and Critical linguistic generally. Since May 2011, he has been a DAAD scholar and a PhD student at the Graduate School Media and Communication, University of Hamburg. Mohammed’s principle research interests lie in the field of language, politics, discourse analysis, communication, media and ideology and their relations with globalization and politics.
00:05:31Research Questions and Objectives
00:11:28Theoretical Framework
00:13:55Data Management