Who Marries Whom and Other Important Sociological Questions - Prof. Sonja Drobnič - University of Hamburg
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Who Marries Whom and Other Important Sociological Questions
Sociology is a broad social science discipline that helps us to understand the structure and dynamics of society, social groups and organizations, various social institutions as well as human behaviour and attitudes. Sociologists use systematic methods of empirical social research and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about human social activity. Research methods range from interpretative approaches to mathematically rigorous techniques.
A question such as Who Marries Whom?” is within this framework a profound sociological question in order to examine how social structure shapes individual life courses, provides opportunities and constraints for individual action as well as how these processes produce and reproduce social inequalities.
This presentation explains what sociology is, introduces a few topics and research questions, describes sociological methods and gives information about studying sociology in Hamburg.
Die Vortragende, Prof. Sonja Drobnič, ist Professorin am Institut für Soziologie der Universität Hamburg.
Weitere Informationen: www.wiso.uni-hamburg.de
Buchtipp: Blossfeld/Drobnic (eds.): Careers of Couples in Contemporary Society: From Male Breadwinner to Dual-Earner Families. New York: Oxford University Press. 2001.
Im Rahmen der Vorlesungsreihe "Was wie wofür studieren?" werden verschiedene Studienfächer der Universität Hamburg vorgestellt, um Berufsfindung und Studienfachentscheidung zu unterstützen. Seit Sommersemester 2009 werden diese Vorträge als Videocast für die Zentrale Medienplattform der Universität Hamburg, Lecture2Go, aufgenommen. Seit Wintersemester 2006/2007 gibt es sie als Podcasts, die unter www.podcampus.de/wwwstudieren zum Download bereit stehen.