Culture and ELT: The Cultural Agenda Agenda of a Globalised Language - Alex Bunten - Universität Hamburg
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- Humanities Perspective 2011
1840 Aufrufe
Culture and ELT: The Cultural Agenda Agenda of a Globalised Language
BIO:Alex is an MA Euroculture graduate (2009-2011) from Uppsala University (Sweden) and the University of Deusto (Spain). His thesis work and main research interests are related to European town twinning (sister cities) and the role of cultural diplomacy. Previously, he studied a BA in English Literature at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. He is currently working in Russia as the Assistant Director of Studies for BKC International House Moscow. In his spare time, Alex writes freelance and works closely with the Erasmus Mundus Association Communications Team on a variety of projects.
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00:03:28Two sides of the same coin?