International Studies Association Workshop 2020 - Antje Wiener, Phil Orchard - University of Hamburg
International Studies Association Workshop 2020
International Studies Association Workshop 2020
Phil Orchard (Wollangong) and Antje Wiener (Hamburg) have organised the ISA workshop Norm Research in Theory and Practice.
International Studies Association (ISA)
University of Wollangong
CLICCS University of Hamburg
Over the past twenty-five years, the study of international norms has become a core component of the wider Constructivist project within International Relations (IR). While our understanding of norms has been significantly advanced, a range of enduring questions have also emerged, which can be grouped around three themes: 1) the processes by which norms emerge, transform, and end or are replaced; 2) the agency of actors at the international, regional, and local levels who engage with these processes; 3) the embeddedness or interaction of norms with other pre-existing norms and other structures. Academic views on many of these questions are today are also divided between those who approach these questions from a conventional perspective and those who approach from a critical one. The goal of this workshop, consequently, is to both reassess how norm studies around these three themes has advanced over this period but also to identify and seek to theorize some of the most critical outstanding questions and divides that exist within the contemporary study of norms. To undertake this, we will be bringing together scholars who have been at the forefront of the rise and expansion of norm studies, as well as the next generation of norm scholars who will be at the vanguard of these debates.