Politics and Development in Laos - An Overview - Dr. Kearrin Sims - Universität Hamburg
- Lecture2Go
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- F.5 - Geisteswissenschaften
- Asien-Afrika-Institut
- Democracy and Civil Society in Southeast Asia
816 Aufrufe
Politics and Development in Laos - An Overview
Lonely Planet describes Laos as “Asia in slow motion” – a place of “glowing emerald rice fields, and glistening tea leaves” where you will find “hundreds of saffron-robed monks gliding through the streets every morning.” Alternatively, Freedom House describes Laos as “a one-party state in which the ruling Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) dominates all aspects of politics and harshly restricts civil liberties,” while the UNDP emphasises that Laos “has made significant progress in poverty alleviation over the past 2 decades.” This presentation will interrogate these common and competing narratives in order to provide a broad overview of Laos and its place in the world. Focusing particularly on the intersections between politics and development, it will discuss the leading priorities, challenges, and opportunities that Laos faces in its twin-track pursuit of poverty alleviation and economic growth.
Kearrin Sims is a lecturer in development studies at James Cook University. He researches regional connectivity and South-South cooperation within Mainland Southeast Asia, with a focus on ethical development. His recent work examines the intersectional violence of large-scale infrastructures, political oppression, and development geopolitics. Kearrin is the author of numerous academic and media publications and a founding member of the Development Studies Association of Australia.
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