Two-Fold Decolonial War in Ukraine: Images of Emancipation and Resistance - Kateryna Botanova - Universität Hamburg
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- F.5 - Geisteswissenschaften
- Kulturwissenschaften
- On Art and Resistance in Ukraine
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Two-Fold Decolonial War in Ukraine: Images of Emancipation and Resistance
Through looking at the origins of the decolonial discourse and its use in South America and Africa, Kateryna Botanova argues its applicability to Ukrainian (and in a wider context, Eastern European) context. She suggests analysing the knowledge- and image-generating power relations between Ukraine and Russia, as well as Ukraine and ‚the Global West‘, in order to see Ukrainian resistance from 2014 on as an emancipatory struggle for owning one’s agency, voice, and identity. In the course of this lecture, Kateryna Botanova traces the changes in artistic attitudes and approaches after Maidan and their role in the current stage of the war.
Kateryna Botanova is a Basel-based cultural critic, curator, and writer from Kyiv, Ukraine. Her main focus is on culture as an agent of social change. Since 2015, Kateryna is a co-curator of the multidisciplinary cultural festival CULTURESCAPES (Basel, Switzerland) and an editor of festival anthologies. She was a director of the Center for Contemporary Art (SCM) in Kyiv and an editor-in-chief of a cultural online magazine KORYDOR. Since 2014, she writes and lectures extensively on decolonial and emancipatory discourse in the visual arts and cultural field in Ukraine.
This lecture is part of series of events „On Art and Resistance in Ukraine“ ( which took place at Kunstgeschichtliches Seminar of University of Hamburg in November - January 2022.
In order to counter and to question the increasing fatigue and apathy which can be observed in Germany and Western Europe concerning the topic of the Russian war in Ukraine we invited Ukrainian artists, curators, and art historians to share their knowledge and work. All in all, three events center around topics such as the role of moving images in times of war, recent developments in Ukrainian contemporary art, and decolonial approaches to this field. We hope to enable a dialog about these pressing topics at Universität Hamburg. Since epistemic violence is one of the mechanisms of imperialist and colonial power and warfare, true solidarity and resistance require attentive listening to the oppressed and continuous support in their attempts in regaining their own subjectivity. Therefore, the events we have organised are an attempt in collective action to reflect on the blind spots and myths that can be found in Western contexts regarding contemporary Ukrainian art as well as art historiography – past and present – in the face of the Russian full-scale invasion.
Organisation: Natalya Stupka / Denis Uhreniuk (Hamburg / Lviv / Kyiv. Students of Kunstgeschichtliches Seminar, Universität Hamburg
Contact for Universität Hamburg: Petra Lange-Berndt, Department of History of Art, and Anja Tippner, Institute of Slavic Studies
Videoproduktion: eLearning-Büro der Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaften (
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