Welcome and introductory remarks - Prof. Dr. Ileana Hanganu-Opatz - Universität Hamburg
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- Zentrum für Molekulare Neurobiologie
- SPP 1665 - Kick-off Symposium
Welcome and introductory remarks
The kick-off symposium of the SPP 1665 will allow each troika to introduce the topic and working plan of the project and highlight the technical and analytical gain of the undertaken as well as the dissemination potential of findings. Moreover, the symposium will benefit from the participation of 6 renowned key-speakers, who will give lectures on core topics of the program.
---The kick-off symposium of the SPP 1665 will allow each troika to introduce the topic and working plan of the project and highlight the technical and analytical gain of the undertaken as well as the dissemination potential of findings. Moreover, the symposium will benefit from the participation of 6 renowned key-speakers, who will give lectures on core topics of the program.